The best way to become engaged and feel a part of any organization is to participate. The same is true with church.
Scripture tells us that the church functions as a physical representation of Christ in our world. Part of what that means is that it takes each of us doing our part to get the job done.
If you’d like to get involved, we can find a place for you. All volunteers who work with minors are required to go through a routine background check.
Below is a short list of opportunities where you could make a difference.
The nursery is available for both Sunday morning and Wednesday evening activities. We need a minimum of two adults in the nursery at all times. Contact the church office if you’d be interested in this ministry.
Audio/Visual System
We have a group of individuals who help cover the audio/visual (sound and recording) of our services as well as during weddings and funerals. Contact the church office, Chris Simon, Randall Newton or Diego Perez if you’d be interested in this ministry.
Wednesday Night KidZone helper
We have a variety of classes for children each Wednesday evening. It helps to keep activities moving smoothly if we have plenty of helpers in each area. Contact the church office if you’d be interested in this ministry.
Wednesday Night Gym Monitor
We need adults to help monitor play and engage with children and teens before Wednesday evening services. Contact the church office if you’d be interested in this ministry.
We have a dedicated group of volunteers to help us cover all entrances of the church on Sunday mornings to welcome everyone who attends, make initial contact with visitors and distribute worship bulletins. Contact the church office if you’d be interested in this ministry.
We need 8 ushers available each Sunday morning to help collect offering as well as to help distribute the elements when we join in Communion. Contact the church office if you’d be interested in this ministry.
VBS workers
It takes a lot of adults helping in order to minister to the community through our annual Vacation Bible School. From registering children, to decorating or working with the various groups there is a place for you. Contact the church office if you’d be interested in this ministry.